Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A quick intro

Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person to perform labor or a commercial sex act through force, fraud or coercion.” There are many forms of human trafficking, but the main three are Sex slavery, Labor slavery, and Indentured Servitude.  All three of these types of slavery involve turning a person into a product that can be sold (used) over and over again. Slavey takes place in almost every country in the world, but many Americans don't realize its happening in their own backyard. In fact the Super Bowl is the biggest day/event for sex slavery.                Traffickers higher taxi cabs to be turned into brothels right outside the Super Bowl. Around 10,000 girls of all ages, ranging anywhere from 5 to 25 are trafficked in from all over the world to be used for sex. Now if we look back at the history of America, a slave in  the south, in 1850 cost $40,000 of to days dollars, today the average cost of a slave is $90 dollars. This means that slaves - human beings are very disposable to a slave owner, meaning if one dies they can easily be replaced. A scary thought about an already horrific industry is that modern day slavery generates $32 million dollars a year, many say it will soon surpass the drug industry (which is the largest industry in the world). You can only sell a drug once but you can sell a child over and over again.