Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Abolish child slavey and expose the dark side of Hershey's Chocolate

Join modern day abolitionist across the country and show the world that Hershey is using child slaves to produce our candy bars. Watch this video and see how you can end slavery with a simple consumer alert card.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Stories of Hope - Polaris Project

Reading about human trafficking can get overwhelming and many times you just begin to feel hopeless, you begin to think, "is there any hope in this situation?" The answer is YES! And the organization, Polaris Project has proof, they have stories of hope, stories of real survivors who are on their way to recovery. Below are some of the stories I found on their website.

Labor Trafficking | Domestic Servitude

Upon coming to the United States with a wealthy family, Sabine was imprisoned in their home; unable to leave, she was made to work around the clock.

Sabine was the only member of her family to survive the genocide in Rwanda, so she agreed when a wealthy family offered her a chance to move to America with them.  Shortly after arrival, however, she was imprisoned in their home; forced to work around the clock and made to sleep on the kitchen floor. Finally after six months of servitude, Sabine was allowed to go to church for an hour each Sunday.  On one visit, she was approached by a kind Rwandan man who learned of her situation and helped her escape.  He took Sabine to one of our partner agencies and who immediately referred her to Polaris Project. 

Before participating in the Transitional Housing program, Sabine was afraid of everything.  She did not want to leave the apartment after 4:00 p.m.--because it was too dark--and was afraid to walk to the Polaris Project office by herself.  She had never been independent in the U.S., so even going to the grocery store or using a gift card terrified her.  Her Polaris Project Case Manager not only accompanied her when shopping, but also conducted case management sessions in her transitional housing home, where she felt safe and secure.  Because of her attentive Case Manager, after only three months, she was able to visit the office on her own.  She also began shopping on her own and familiarizing herself with the neighborhood.  When she came to Polaris Project she spoke no English, but after taking English lessons she is now conversational.  She became the most enthusiastic and eager student in our Job Training program, and continued to visit the center to practice the computer skills.

Sex Trafficking | Residential Brothel

Gabriella worked at a grocery store in Colombia. After moving to the United States in search of a better job, she was forced into prostitution by a person she trusted.

Several years ago, Gabriella lived in Colombia with her family and worked at a grocery store. As the eldest child, she had to provide for her mother and sisters after her father committed suicide. A childhood friend of Gabriella’s moved to the United States some years before, and he offered to help her move to America every time he visited Columbia. He promised he would help her to find work in a restaurant so she could better support her family. After a year, she agreed.

The next thing she knew, Gabriella was taken to the U.S. and forced into prostitution. Not only was she held in debt bondage for $10,000, but she was told that if she tried to escape, her family would be harmed. For five long years, Gabriella lived as the property of her traffickers. She was moved to a different brothel almost every week, never knew where she was, and wasn't able to seek outside help. Unfortunately, Gabriella’s story is not unique. Polaris Project regularly assists victims of human trafficking who are left without homes, employment, family, or friends. Fortunately for Gabriella, Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) caught her trafficker. Gabriella was rescued through a raid that ICE did on the brothel where she was held. ICE referred her to Polaris Project for services.

Gabriella met with one of our case managers at least once a week for much needed emotional support and comprehensive care. Polaris Project assisted Gabriella in finding an apartment for her and her 2-year-old daughter, helped her enroll in ESL classes, and provided her with employment assistance.

Slavery in California

Many forget that human trafficking happens in the United States of America, in fact it happens in every state of the U.S. Here is a video about sex trafficking in CA. Watch this video and hear from two survivors who were trafficked in CA. And hear how one of girl was only 12 years old when she was trafficked... 

Learn how you can help stop trafficking in CA and what California Against Slavery is doing to try and strengthen trafficking laws by visiting, http://californiaagainstslavery.org/.